Skyrim High King Mod Ps4

Skyrim High King Mod Ps4 4,1/5 2523 reviews

‘Skyrim Special Edition’ Mods Available For PS4, Xbox One And PC & How To Install Them. There are currently 25 mods available for the PS4 including a Rich Merchant mod, Scroll crafting and Spell tweaks. Xbox One users can look forward to 97 mods, which include better relationship dialogue, black mage armor, spell tweaks, etc. And PC users have a total of 80 mods available on Bethesda’s website. If you support the Stormcloaks for the Civil War quest, then yes, Jarl Ulfric will become High King of Skyrim. If you join the Imperial Legion, he is killed. The official Community site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Quake, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more. Looks like your connection to Community Forums was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect.

Last updated at 2:10 PM on March 17, 2018

Orinigal Creator:Aysigago - Original Mod

Special thanks to: StringStorm for composing a custom orchestral style score for the Become High King of Skyrim V2. Check out StringStorm's Patreon!
IMPORTANT: Use a clean save when updating! To clean a save, disable my mod, run Skyrim. Go into your save game, then save. Exit skyrim. Install new update.

The goal of the V2 project is to spread accessibility for the popular mod Become The High King of Skyrim by Aysigago while providing generalimprovement/updates to the core mod.

  • Have anyone you don't like beheaded? put to jail? enslaved?
  • Ask anyone, like maybe say, Farkas or Balgruuf's kids, to go out and patrol Skyrim as part of your elite rangers?

  • Order anyone to empty their pockets and give their items to you?
  • Have a kick-ass castle complete with it's own mines, hot springs, soul gem forge, can hold 40+ followers, marketplace, arena, etc... even a captured Dragon!
  • Invite people to live in your castle? That's right! You think Noster the beggar deserves a better life? Ask him to live there! You like that sexy waitress Hroki? Invite her too! Wanna collect NPC's you like into one area? No problem, just invite them to live there!
  • Make anyone your follower, not only make them a weak-ass follower, but actually level them up to your level and give them perks? That's right! You can go on adventures with Ulfric, a Greybeard, even boss enemies like Harkon, Ysolda (and turn her into a powerful warrior), anyone you can talk to can be a follower!
  • Have your own army that will follow you on command, fight your battles while you sit back and have any NPC's like Lydia, Miraak or even kids join the army?
Well if you said yes to any of the above, and even if you didn't, this mod is for you! This mod has so many features you are bound to find at least one of them useful! Heck this mod even has a legendary armor that turns you invisible when you crouch!

  • Do not use on a new game. Use this mod AFTER you are done with all the preliminary introduction quests
  • This mod has no voice files for most NPC's yet, we have very few voiced so use your subtitles
  • Each version release is STANDALONE and will work by itself
III. All NPC's Are Now Killable

  • Added an optional patch file that makes everyone killable
  • Warning: Killing NPC's that shouldn't die can break quests
  • You can toggle any NPC's essential/nonessential status through dialogue
  • Type 'set aakingextra to 0' to disable the 'Are you essential?' dialogue
IV. Getting Started

  • Adds a new NPC in by the Warrens district of Markarth near the waterfall in a man hole, that starts the Becoming High king quest

Offers to assassinate people for you. To do so simply walk up to the NPC you want to die, Mark him with a new dialogue option then return to Surgus and pay him 1500 gold and he will take care of your problem for you.
First, talk to Surgus to begin the quest the quest objectives are just there for information, they won't track your progress nor will they complete. But that does not mean it's not working. Just do the requirements and talk to Surgus after.
V. Become High King Of Skyrim!

  • Marry Elisif or Ulfric (The marriage quest has been modified to accommodate for them)
  • Gain 40 supporters to support your claim instead of 20

To gain supporters, talk to somebody you have a high relationship rank with after you have started the quest. A new dialogue option will appear that will allow you to ask for support.

- After all this is done, return to Surgus and he will make you High King.
Warning: Marriage system works however the game still does not treat Ulfric nor Elisif as a spouse after the wedding. So you can marry them and become High King, but they won't act like a spouse. I still have to edit the native spouse dialogues.
VI. Play As The High King Of Skyrim!

Being the High King comes with many new features and advantages!
  • You will have random people greet you and acknowledge you as High King
  • You gain a new dialogue option when arrested that allows you to clear your crime and bounty instantly
  • Force anyone to fall in love with you and become a potential marriage candidate regardless of gender

  • Summon Highreach Tunnel: Summons a tunnel that connects your current area to Highreach Keep
  • Summon Merchant's Bin: Summons a bin to drop any items you want to sell. You get paid upon return to Highreach.
  • Teleport to Highreach: First cast brings you to Highreach. Second cast returns you to your previous location.
  • Teleport to Highreach Rangers: Brings you to your rangers. Go and join them for a patrol!
  • Teleport to Royal Spouse: Brings you to your spouse.
  • All spell tomes added by this mod are found in Highreach Castle, near the throne
  • All bonus items are found in Highreach Marketplace
VII. Promote System

  • You may promote people to various social standings
  • Promoted NPC will manually walk to Highreach. So wait awhile before they get there, don't expect them to be there right away.

  • Allows you to call the Rangers or your spouse back to Highreach
  • Allows you to call the Jarls for a meeting in Highreach (Jarls promoted by this mod only)
  • Allows you to turn off extra dialogues like 'Are you set to essential?' and '(Mark for Death)'
  • Provides a store where you can buy potions of all kinds

  • Will work in the forge near the Highreach Town center at day

  • Your bodyguards, rangers and army members may now learn perks

  • Can be asked to turn invisible again after a battle/activating objects

  • Wields a unique version of Wuuthrad that knocks enemies into the air when power attacking

  • Will appear in Portal to Sovngarde as a spirit if he has been killed
  • Lord Commander and Heroes of Skyrim are all part of the army and will follow army commands
  • Can be bought from the Lord Commander for 1500 gold each

- Heroes will live in your barracks and train near your castle
Skyrim ps4 mod become high king
  • Unlike the army that follows the High King or stays in the barracks, the Rangers will patrol Skyrim
  • Will fight against bandits and monsters encountered
  • Can be commanded to return to Highreach by talking to the Lord Administrator

*It is advised that you ask the rangers to return to Highreach first before
promoting a new ranger so that they can regroup and patrol together.

  • You can only promote someone to Royal Spouse if you married them with the game's marriage quest
  • You can ask your spouse to follow you on adventures (you can ask him/her to level up and learn perks like your bodyguard)
  • You can ask your spouse to go out and explore Skyrim, he/she will keep on exploring until asked to return to Highreach
  • You can ask your spouse to visit a random city in Skyrim, he/she will stay there until asked to return to Highreach
  • Random city could be Riften, Whiterun or Solitude, I will add more places in the future
  • You can ask your Lord Administrator to command your spouse to return to Highreach
  • Your spouse will bring gifts from his/her travels if you had asked him/her to visit a city or explore Skyrim
  • You can ask your spouse to live in Highreach. This reset their packages; basically 'fixes' your spouse if they stopped living in Highreach or going on Adventures, etc.
  • Jarls can be asked to meet in Highreach via the Lord Administrator
*This only affects the Jarls promoted by this mod, not the default game Jarls. If you promote someone, the original Jarl from the default game will still be in their castle and act like a Jarl. This is not a bug, I chose to keep them as is for compatibility. If you want them gone (so that your new Jarl will be the only Jarl), you can have the old Jarls imprisoned/killed.

  • Make sure to set them to unessential first so they will die

  • You can have anyone enslaved to work in Aar-gol mines

To make two people fight, set one to 'gladiator' and another NPC to 'challenger'.
IX. High Reach Keep

A brand new worldspace located near the East Empire trading warehouse entrance
'coc aahighreachcenter' if you can't find it
Merchant's Drop-off Binslocated all over Highreach
You can drop off stuff here and your merchants will sell it for you, but will take a standard 20% commission
  • You can also summon a bin anywhere using a new spell. Found in Highreach Castle throne room
  • Council members live with you here and will attend to your throne during the day
  • Adds a crown, a new spellbooks and emperor's robes for the player to use right in front of the throne in the great hall
  • Contains a lot of high value gold bars that can be sold if you need emergency money

  • Has a bartender merchant that sells drinks and food

  • You may punish upto 5 people to work forever in the mines as slaves

Skyrim High King Mod Ps4
  • Contains a lot of mannequins, storage chests, display cases and display racks for your armor & weapons
  • Contains abundant ingredients needed to cook skooma
  • You can now cook 'High Grade Skooma' (1 nightshade, 1 moon sugar)

  • Contains buttons to spawn sabre cats, trolls and chaurus
  • Contains a door that leads to the actual arena grounds (if you want to clean up/fight bears)
  • Reserved for your followers, you can use 'My Home Is Your Home' or other mods to make them stay here
  • The Elswyr ambassador has a mini unmarked quest that allow you to sell her high volumes of skooma for cash, just talk to her
  • The Thalmor ambassador now starts the Thalmor War quest
  • Thalmor Ambassador can be used to make/break a peace treaty with the Thalmor
  • Thalmor Ambassador can be asked to reset the battle zones
  • A special tunnel that can connect to anywhere in Tamriel!
  • Adds a new spell, Summon Highreach Tunnel, that links your current location to Highreach
Spell-tome is located in front of your throne inside the castle
Soldiers purchased from your Lord Commander will stay here
  • Highreach Soldiers that die will have their bodies placed here

  • New area, does not conflict with the default Sovngarde

  • A new area that civilians and nobles will flock to

X. The Thalmor War

  • Can be started by talking to the Thalmor Ambassador
  • Starting the war will create 4 Thalmor Battle Zones in Tamriel that you can visit
  • You can request for a peace treaty from the Ambassador that will stop all attacks (costs 10,000 gold)
  • There is a small chance the Thalmor will attack Whiterun, Markarth, Windhelm, Solitude or Riften while you are there
  • Every Thalmor slain counts and reduces the Thalmor forces
  • If you have started the Thalmor War and is done with the embassy part
of the main quest, the Thalmor Embassy will convert into a War Embassy

Skyrim High King Mod Ps4 Mod

  • Will have soldiers inside you can kill to reduce their numbers
  • Will have a commander, that when killed will greatly reduce their numbers (anywhere from 50-300!)
This is a high level area and is quite challenging, they represent the Thalmor elite and are at least level 70 or above!

  • 4 Thalmor Battle Zones will appear in Skyrim representing the Thalmor invasion force
  • Location: Just outside Whiterun, near Stendarr's Beacon, near Halldir's Cairn, near Peak's Shade Tower
  • Entering the zone will start a battle, with 15-30 Thalmor forces on one
side and 10 Skyrim Soldiers, your Lord Commander and Skyrim Heroes on
  • Thalmor soldiers in the battle zone will be at lvl 30
  • Each battle zone can only be done once, afterwards you now need to talk to the Thalmor Ambassador to reset all the zones
  • It is recommended that you bring your army while engaging in the battle zone
  • Tip: You don't need a ridiculously huge army, an army of 10 soldiers is
enough since battle zones will spawn 10 starting soldiers for your side
anyway, plus you get your heroes and Lord Commander to participate
XI. Utility/Debug:

If you are having problems with the mod, use these commands:
Set AAIsHighKing to 1 - makes you High King instantly
Set AAKingExtra to 0 - disable the 'are you essential?' dialogue
Coc AAhighreachcenter - Teleports you to the Highreach city

Published on November 6th, 2016 by Shael Millheim


Summary: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition is what happens when old is made new again! It almost became epic for this game!

One of the most epic RPG’s returns to the world of gaming with The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition as Bethesda take this classic game and increases the graphical capabilities thanks to the power of the PlayStation 4 and XBox One consoles. So at its core, the game is basically a mirror image of the original but with much nicer graphics. Given that, the new Skyrim boasts some graphical advancements that include improved draw distance, weather effects, lighting (e.g. volumetric) and special effects that does make the title look more modern but certain elements in the game like the characters, inside of buildings do look a little on the average. But when compared to the original, this new incarnation still boasts the wow factor, especially with all the diversity in the environments.

Further, this version also allows for mods and even contains all the DLC such as Dawnguard and Dragonborn to give you some great value for money. That’s right, there’s quite a few mods available to install in this game that range from minor adjustments to some truly world-changing differences. Sure PC gamers may be saying we had this years ago and the graphics but hey, console players didn’t and that’s why it works so well on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You can even turn dragons into ‘Thomas the Tank’. Hopefully this will be a sign of things to come that will allow more console games having access to mods but compared to the XBox One, the PS4 has only half the mods (around 100) available. On the PlayStation 4, I also found the game quite responsive and the mapping of controls onto the controller works very well. The quick save is very fast and the save system has been revamped to find what file you’re looking for.

In terms of story, The High King of Skyrim has been murdered, the world is at breaking point and even worse, an ancient evil has been awakened. To make matters worse for the player, you start the game as an ‘innocent’ prisoner that’s been sentenced to death and before being executed, an exciting and terrifying scene takes place, really showcasing early on the true magnitude of pure awesomeness that is this game. Before I know it, I’m jumping down into a burning building, swinging swords, and looting bodies during all of this chaos and that’s just the start. Needless to say, you have your work cut out for you!

Skyrim High King Mod Ps4 4

So having played the original before, I still had to stop and just look around for quite some time at random points in my first few hours of playing The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition. Simple things like water and trees amused me to no end and are complete works of finely detailed art in this game, as is everything else. Shadows are cast everywhere, the sky is a beautiful thing to behold, and you could even see the stars peeking through the clouds at some times. While I decided to do some hardcore mountain climbing, I looked over at the sky and saw one of the most stunning things in my early experience with Skyrim, the Aurora Borealis. So many things catch my attention as I wander around the map – different climates in the various sections, wind picking up particles on the ground and blowing them away, random animal skulls in the middle of nowhere, and countless other things that make this game just feel as massive as it really is.

On the fighting side of things, I find the more creatures I come across the more I want to play with different weapon combinations that are now at my disposal. In The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition, you can dual-wield weapons, dual-wield magic to make more powerful versions of it, use sword and shield, single and double-handed weapons, and so on. It’s also filled with a variety of different enemies and some look amazing in this new graphical update, whereas other are a little ho hum but nonetheless, there’s plenty to find and fight. The combat does feel a little dated but it still quite playable.

Also, you’re able to change up your magic and weapons is a breeze to deal with, and I love the incorporation of showing finishing moves on enemies at some points, giving beautiful takedowns their moment of glory. No matter what type of fighter you are, you will be able to play exactly the way you want in this game. So whatever style you play, that is what your character will become. Want to be more of a thief type? Then play like one. Fighter? Mage? Those skills increase as you go along and use them accordingly, and as you level up you choose different perks in each skill section, shown as colorful constellations that you gaze up to for guidance. This means you’re not just limited to class but the combinations are quite diverse.

Moving on to some other fun aspects of the game itself, one thing that I do love is the way that lock picking works.
Instead of the frustration of dealing with the tumblers, you now literally feel around the lock using two your picks, moving each individually carefully until the lock rotates and opens. If you rotate them more and more to where they won’t open, the controller also vibrates more and more until the tension results in the picks breaking. If you want to find those treasures and weapons, make sure you ‘study’ lock picking because there’s a boom to be found in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition.

The soundtrack of the game is brilliant and really captures that RPG atmosphere and whether you’re a hero or a ‘villain’, it’s integral to the game and helps with the immersion factor. The sounds that you hear while fighting dragons, other creatures, and just all of the audio in this game is quite impressive and clearly has been shown as close attention to as every other aspect of this epic work of art. Another word about sound is that the voice acting is quite good and there’s plenty of dialogue in the game.

Final Thoughts?

The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition is a really good game on the PlayStation 4 and Bethesda have done a remarkable job at giving it a fresh facelift but also keeping the amazing story and gameplay. Sure, some things feel a little stiff and lacking finesse of something like The Witcher 3 but it’s quite a detailed world from its culture, denizens that populate this universe and very rich story. Lastly, the amount of time you could spend in this game is practically endless and the only potentially bad thing is that you could lose sleep because you won’t want to stop playing.

Key Features

Epic Fantasy Reborn. Skyrim reimagines the open-world fantasy epic, pushing the gameplay and technology of a virtual world to new heights.

Live another life, in another world. Play any type of character you can imagine, and do whatever you want; the legendary freedom of choice, storytelling, and adventure of The Elder Scrolls is realized like never before.

All new graphics and gameplay engine. Skyrim’s new game engine brings to life a complete virtual world with rolling clouds, rugged mountains, bustling cities, lush fields, and ancient dungeons.

You are what you play. Choose from hundreds of weapons, spells, and abilities. The new character system allows you to play any way you want and define yourself through your actions.

Dragons return. Battle ancient dragons like you’ve never seen. As Dragonborn, learn their secrets and harness their power for yourself.

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