Payday 2 Rocket Launcher

Payday 2 Rocket Launcher 4,8/5 7719 reviews

Requires PAYDAY 2 on Steam in order to use. The OVERKILL Pack is our 17th DLC for PAYDAY 2. It allows heisters to use the Minigun and the Rocket Launcher weapons, the OVERKILL mask as well as a new OVERKILL Escape Van skin. There will be 3 weapon modifications for the Minigun as well.

Commando 101
Ammo pickups are disabled for this weapon.
Ammo pickups are disabled for this weapon.
Unlock Level 41
Inventory SlotSecondary
Weapon TypeSpecial
Firing Mode(s) Single shot
Magazine 4
Total Ammo 8
Rate of Fire 60
Damage 6,200
Accuracy 96
Stability 96
Concealment 5
Threat 37
Extra Weapon Statistics
Reload TimeTacticalEmpty
Base time 6s 5.75s
Ammo Pickup RateMinMax
Base pickup 0 0
Walk-in Closet 0 0
Fully Loaded Aced 0 0
DamagePer MagTotal
Damage total 24,800 49,600
Damage/second 6,200 4,221.28
Explosion radius 5m
Projectile speed 25m/s
Bullet SpreadStandingCrouching
Sights 2.8 2.8
Sights + moving 2.8 2.8
Hipfire 3.5 3.5
Hipfire + moving 3.5 3.5
Recoil vertical 2.9 3.0
Recoil horizontal -0.5 0.5
Internal nameray
Mod stats
Lets fight with style wielding a badass rocket launcher loaded with no less than 4 warheads. Use this mayhem machine to blast anyone who stands in your way 4 times in 4 seconds. COMMANDO 101 is for those moments when you really wanna take a stand.

The Commando 101 is a secondary rocket launcher in PAYDAY 2 added with the release of the Scarface Heist DLC.


The Commando 101 a very powerful weapon damage-wise, losing out only to the HRL-7, which it beats with its superior ammo stock. Boasting a sizable 'magazine' size, the Commando allows for at most 8 shots before needing a refill, though ammo bags are necessary to maintain it during firefights as it also cannot restore spent shots from pickups.


The damage dealt by rockets decreases as distance from the explosion increases. At a distance of 0 meters from the explosion, enemies will take 6200 damage. At a distance just short of 5 meters from the explosion, the damage dealt is down to approximately half this value. Beyond 5 meters, no damage is dealt at all.

$ 6200 * (1 - distance / 5.0)^{0.1} $

The above formula determines the precise damage dealt by the rockets, where distance is the distance between an enemy and the explosion. If the enemy is a SWAT/FBI/GenSec/ZEAL Heavy or a Shield, the damage taken will be multiplied by 0.8 or 0.9, respectively. Bulldozers and Captain Winters are both vulnerable to explosions, and their damage taken will be mutliplied by 1.1 and 6.0, respectively.[1]

Payday 2 Rocket Launcher



  • Extremely high damage per shot; second highest in-game
    • One-hit kill against Bulldozers up to Overkill difficulty, two-hit kill on Mayhem/Death Wish, four-hit kill on Death Sentence (twice as much for Minigun Bulldozers)
  • Huge blast radius
  • Near-perfect accuracy and is more precise compared to other explosive weapons; the rocket will travel straight unlike the grenades, which travel in an arc
  • Theoretically infinite range
  • Rockets have very high velocity
  • Takes up the secondary slot, thus allowing for a versatile primary (like an AK or CAR-4)
  • Can annihilate entire groups of enemies in an instant
  • Good magazine-to-damage ratio
  • Provides the same amount of total damage potential as the HRL-7 but spread across double the amount of shots, making a missed shot more forgiving
  • Can dish out double the damage of the HRL-7 in the same time span
  • Extremely effective as a SHTF type of weapon, if the team needs a breathing space to either get to an objective quickly, rescue a downed player or escape
  • Superior against boss type enemies like Captain Winters, as each individual rocket will be able to do as much damage as HRL-7 (due to damage caps), while being able to quadruple the DPS dealt by a single player


  • One of its main uses (taking out Bulldozers) is much less effective on Death Sentence difficulty due to much higher Bulldozer health, taking half of your ammo for a regular Bulldozer, or all of it for a Minigun Bulldozer
  • No ammo pickups, resulting in reliance on ammo bags
  • Horrible concealment with no concealment increasing modifications (although this isn't really necessary)
  • Needless overkill against weaker enemies
  • Small mod pool, only able to equip boosts, all of which basically do nothing to improve performance (Accuracy and stabillity can easily be maxed through skills and even then argueably not necessary, and concealment is already too low to be used for an effective dodge build)
  • Low ammo count renders the weapon impractical for sustained use, unless paired with a primary that has a lot of ammo (eg. CAR-4, Clarion, Gewehr 3, etc.)
  • Long reload
  • Huge splash radius runs the risk of self and/or friendly harm.
  • Outright lethal friendly fire damage
  • The rocket can be shot mid air, making dealing with Turrets problematic if targeted
  • Hard to hit moving enemies from long ranges


  • Due to its massive splash damage, it becomes particularly useful during a loud Mallcrasher run, though one must remember to either move any and all potential hostages out of the way first and/or aim it at an area completely devoid of people to avoid accidental collateral damage.
  • Fully Loaded basic adds two additional rockets to the player's stock (thus allowing for a much more efficient use of Ammo Bags), though the Aced effect is of no use for a player with the Commando because the launcher does not replenish spent ammunition via pickups.
  • Be careful when firing around teammates, since the massive splash damage can seriously harm or down them outright.
  • While it is capable of clearing out massive crowds of lesser enemies, the heavy reliance on ammo bags makes it an ill-advised tactic. Save your rockets for big and tough targets like Bulldozers instead.
  • It is highly advised to not use the Commando around Tasers. Their shock attack will cause you to forcibly launch the rocket, which is very likely to get you and your crew killed.
    • Granted, one can purposefully launch a rocket close at the Taser officer (but not to themselves as well so as not to cause any accidental incapacitation which would defeat the purpose of this tactic) to catch him in the blast and disrupt the shock. This is difficult to pull off properly, however, as one is prone to miscalculate the minimum 'safe' distance when flailing around due to the stun throwing off their aim.
  • As with Frag Grenades, GL40/Piglet/Arbiter/HRL-7 grenades, and Molotov Cocktails, the projectile will explode if shot in mid-air. Take care when firing.
    • Be very careful when firing this weapon while under direct heavy fire from law enforcers. There is a chance that they will detonate the rocket upon launch with a stray shot, causing it to explode in your face and damage you, and anyone else unlucky enough to be near the blast radius. As much as possible, blindside cops when firing to reduce the risk of premature detonation.
    • While the Commando can be used to destroy the SWAT Van Turret with ease, great care must be taken because if the turret is directly firing at a player armed with said weapon, the explosive can prematurely detonate and do more harm than good. It is strongly advised to have another player distract it for a Commando wielder to safely fire a projectile.

Available modificationsEdit


Base game
Total ammo-Magazine-
Concealment+1 Threat-
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / 6
More Info.
Compatible weapons
Edit template
Every weapon ingame
Internal namewpn_fps_upg_bonus_concealment_p1


Base game
Total ammo-Magazine-
Accuracy- Stability+4
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / 6
More Info.
Compatible weapons
Edit template
Every weapon ingame
Internal namewpn_fps_upg_bonus_recoil_p1


Base game
Total ammo-Magazine-
Accuracy+4 Stability-
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / 6
More Info.
Compatible weapons
Edit template
Every weapon ingame
Internal namewpn_fps_upg_bonus_spread_p1

Team Boost

Base game
Total ammo-Magazine-
Cost: $9,000
Card Drop & Side Job / 6

Special Effect(s):+3% Experience & money reward for you and your crew.

More Info.
Compatible weapons
Edit template
Every weapon ingame
Internal namewpn_fps_upg_bonus_team_exp_money_p3


+4 Accuracy
Community Safe 5
Immortal Python
Achievement Milestone Reward
  • On the Community Safe 5's web page, the BoomBox (Commando 101 BoomBox [✓]) image was edited to display the boombox design, normally on the right side of the weapon, on the left side.


Complete the Undercover job on OVERKILL difficulty or above, using only a grenade launcher or rocket launcher.
Say Hello to My Big Friend
On the Scarface Mansion job, take down the boss with the Commando 101 Rocket Launcher. Unlocks the 'Panthera Tigris' mask, 'Black Marble' material and 'Diablada' pattern.


  • The Commando 101 is based on the M202A1 FLASH. Its in-game name is a possible reference to the 1985 movie Commando where an M202, or rather a studio mockup of one, is featured.
    • The M202 also features in the 2006 game Scarface: The World Is Yours, where it is simply called the 'Missile Launcher'. Appropriately, it bears several references to the Scarface canon on the label on its side, with '1980' being the year the movie's introduction was set, and 'pHR1ENd', a stylized reading of 'friend'.
    • Due to the HRL-7 technically firing rocket-propelled grenades, the Commando 101 is the first 'true' rocket launcher in the series.
      • The M202 is an incendiary rocket launcher in real life, but this feature is not present in-game nor is the Commando moddable to use incendiary ammunition. The in-game launcher fires exclusively HEAT rockets, which are theoretically compatible with the M202 platform and are usable by its prototype version, but nevertheless were never fully developed for it. This is especially unusual considering how the Commando is loaded with orange-tipped warheads, which would denote incendiary munitions.
      • Also absent is the M202's ability to launch all four tubes at once for massive damage, as the Commando is restricted to firing single shots only.
  • As the Commando 101 can only equip boosts, it is the least moddable weapon in the game.
  • The Commando 101 is strangely modeled with only three rounds loaded on the announcement site. This may have been done to allow viewers to look down the tube, however.


Inventory preview of the Commando 101.


  1. Frankelstner's 'The Long Guide'
GameplayHeistsSkills & Perk DecksWeapons & EquipmentDLC

Assault RiflesAMCARAKCAR-4UARAK.762JP36GalantM308AK5AMR-16Tempest-21Union 5.56Commando 553Eagle HeavyCavity 9mmAK17BootlegQueen's WrathClarionLion's RoarValkyriaGecko 7.62Little Friend 7.62FalconGewehr 3Golden AK.762
LMGsKSP 58RPKKSPBuzzsaw 42Brenner 21
ShotgunsReinfeld 880IZHMA 12GMosconi 12GBreaker 12GM1014RavenSteakout 12GPredator 12GJoceline O/U 12G
Sniper RiflesPlatypus 70RattlesnakeLebensauger .308DesertfoxContractor .308R93Repeater 1874GromNagantThanatos .50 cal
AkimboPistols:Baby DeagleBernetti 9Bronco .44BroomstickChimano 88Chimano CompactChimano CustomCrosskillDeagleGruber KurzInterceptor 45LEOMatever .357ParabellumSignature .40STRYK 18cWhite StreakCastigo .44Crosskill GuardM13 9mmContractor
Shotguns:Goliath 12GJudgeBrothers Grimm 12G
SMGs:Blaster 9mmChicago TypewriterCMPCobraCompact-5CR 805BHeatherJackalJacket's PieceKobus 90KrinkovKross VertexMark 10Micro UziMP40ParaPatchett L2A1SignatureSpecOpsSwedish KTatonkaUzi
SpecialOVE9000XL 5.56 MicrogunDECA Technologies Compound BowAirbowPlainsrider BowLight CrossbowEnglish LongbowHeavy CrossbowVulcan MinigunPigletFlamethrower Mk.1GL40

PistolsChimano 88CrosskillBernetti 9Bronco .44White StreakParabellumCastigo .44Crosskill GuardSTRYK 18cDeagleM13 9mmGruber KurzSignature .40Baby DeagleContractorLEOBroomstickPeacemaker .45Matever .357Interceptor .45Chimano Custom5/7 APChimano Compact
ShotgunsLocomotive 12GGoliath 12GGrimm 12GClaire 12GGSPS 12GStreet SweeperThe Judge
SMGsMark 10Compact-5CMPParaHeatherMP40KrinkovKobus 90SignatureSwedish KSpecOpsCR 805BCobraMicro UziJackalBlaster 9mmKross VertexTatonkaPatchett L2A1UziChicago TypewriterJacket’s Piece
SpecialOVE9000Compact 40mmMA-17 FlamethrowerArbiterPistol CrossbowHRL-7China Puff 40mmCommando 101

Melee WeaponsWeapon ButtFistsBolt CuttersUtility KnifeElectrical Brass KnucklesSpecialist KnivesEl VerdugoPush DaggersLeather SapHackatonKento's TantoAlabama RazorURSA KnifeSwagger StickPounder Nail GunThe MotherforkerSpatulaK.L.A.S. ShovelEmpty Palm KataShawn's ShearsMicrophoneSelfie-stickBayonet KnifeMacheteIce PickRezkoyeTelescopic BatonJackpotBaseball BatClassic BatonHockey StickDiving KnifeKrieger BladeBuckler ShieldYou're MineMetal DetectorCroupier's RakeCompact HatchetKazagurumaLumber Lite L2Hotline 8000XPotato MasherScalper TomahawkSwitchbladeDragan's CleaverShinsakuto KatanaOkinawan Style SaiPitchforkArkansas ToothpickMicrophone StandX-46 KnifeTalonsBearded AxeHookCleaver KnifeBuzzerGold FeverWingClover's ShillelaghShepherd's CaneScout KnifeBerger Combat KnifeTrench KnifeSurvival TomahawkMorning StarPokerGreat SwordThe Spear of FreedomTenderizerDing Dong Breaching ToolMachete KnifeKunai KnifeUtility MacheteTrautman KnifeFire AxeTwo Handed Great Ruler350K Brass KnucklesUrsa Tanto KnifeNova's ShankMoney BundleOVERKILL Boxing GlovesKnuckle DaggersPsycho KnifeLucille Baseball BatRivertown Glen Bottle50 Blessings BriefcaseCarpenter’s DelightAlpha MaulerThe Pen

ThrowablesConcussion GrenadeSmoke BombStoic's Hip FlaskPocket ECMHEF GrenadeAce of SpadesIncendiary GrenadeMatryoshka GrenadeFrag GrenadeMolotov CocktailDynamiteShurikenJavelinThrowing AxeThrowing KnifeKingpin InjectorGas Dispenser
DeployablesAmmo Bag • Armor Bag • Body Bag Case • Doctor Bag • ECM Jammer • First Aid Kit • Sentry Gun • Trip Mine
Misc.Ammunition • Armors • Drills • Masks (MaterialsPatternsColors) • Skins • Weapon mods

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PAYDAY 2: The OVERKILL Pack Steam Gift

Platform: Steam
Release Date: 6/03/2015

Product Description

Requires PayDay 2 on Steam in order to use.

The OVERKILL Pack is our 17th DLC for PAYDAY 2. It allows heisters to use the Minigun and the Rocket Launcher weapons, the OVERKILL mask as well as a new OVERKILL Escape Van skin. There will be 3 weapon modifications for the Minigun as well as a total 10 extra achievements added. The OVERKILL Pack adds a large amount of Hype Fuel for the Hype Train event with a chance of unlocking additional content for all PAYDAY 2 owners.


  • New Minigun weapon – The Minigun is a 7.62x51 mm, six-barreled machine gun. The rate of fire is between 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute which is crazy. It has Gatling-style rotating barrels with an electric motor as its power source. The 'Mini' in the name is in comparison to designs that use a similar firing mechanism but larger shells, which is funny, because the Minigun isn't that mini in reality.
  • 3 Minigun weapon mods – Enjoy customizing the minigun with some really cool weapon modifications.
  • New Rocket Launcher weapon – The Rocket Launcher is a portable, unguided, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Because of its ruggedness, simplicity, low cost, and effectiveness it has become the most widely used anti-armor weapon in the world.
  • New Escape Van skin – Modify the classic PAYDAY gang Escape Van with a completely new and unique skin. Be the envy of all other heisters out there using this beauty.
  • 1 new OVERKILL mask – A completely new mask that we call the OVERKILL mask is given to anyone who purchases the OVERKILL pack.
  • 10 new achievements – An additional 10 achievements are added to give you more challenges to complete with your crew.
  • Additional Hype Fuel for the Hype Train event – Help the rest of the community gain Hype Fuel by purchashing the OVERKILL Pack. Buy the 4-pack and give the extra copies away to your friends. The Hype Fuel event is a community event between Februrary 5 and March 12 where the community work together in order to unlock free updates for everyone.
  • Bonus content with the Spring Break event – When the Hype Train event has concluded, all of the destinations that have been reached will generate free content that will be unlocked during the Spring Break event between 13-21 March

System Requirements

  • OS:Windows XP SP3
  • Processor:2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600 (256MB minimum)
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:13 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible
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    After successful code verification go to the 'MY GAMES' tab and start downloading.

Rocket Launcher Download

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