Fallout New Vegas Starting Special

Fallout New Vegas Starting Special 4,9/5 6623 reviews

When it comes to the action role-playing video games, there is no competitor to the Fallout: New Vegas game. The Fallout: New Vegas is the fourth edition of this favorite action RPG video game for the multiple gaming platforms. As there are numerous missions and obstacles in this game, completing the game is a big problem for hardcore gamers. But, the Bethesda studios, which is the developer has added the fallout new vegas console commands, which makes completing the game more accessible. The new vegas console commands work as the game cheats.

Fallout New Vegas Starting Special

One of the hardest parts of Fallout: New Vegas is actually choosing what sort of character to play. There are so many basic archetypes to choose from and then there are almost infinite variations.

Although the developer strictly prohibits cheating in an online game, you can do so freely in the offline single-player mode. These fallout nv console commands are great if you want to know what is going to happen next in the game. These console commands for Fallout New Vegas are added in the game to test the gameplay, levels, weapons and character development. What are we going to do is just use these developer commands and unlock new characters, get unlimited health, ammo and many other customization options. Although, you cannot flaunt these feature in front of your gaming buddies as these commands are meant to use in the Offline game mode only. So, while playing with your buddies on the online server, you better not use these codes in the console.


Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough

Fallout new vegas special build
  • 2 Fallout New Vegas Commands List

How to Use the Fallout New Vegas Console Commands

If you are interested in using the Fallout New Vegas Console commands and gain access to the features, then you should know how to use them while you are in the game. First of all, you have to open the game and then press the “Tilde ( ~ ) key” on your keyboard to open the New Vegas Console. The Console just looks like the Command prompt in Windows where you have to type or paste the command and Press Enter to execute the same. In the console, you can type the cheat codes and press ENTER. Once you press the Enter, the game will recognize the command and activate the feature you are looking to access. It might be the character model, view model, timeline, quests, missions and many more things in the game.

Fallout New Vegas Commands List

There are tons of useful fnv console commands that you can use and activate the features that are not present in the actual game or the cheat codes to gain an advantage in offline mode. You can execute any of these commands to test the game features, unlock the game features and have fun if you are bored playing the same old game. These console commands for new vegas game are restricted in the online multiplayer mode, so make sure you are not using them while playing online with your friends.

Fallout Camera Commands and Cheat Codes

Command NameCommand/CheatDescription
Camera ToggleTfcToggle Free Camera allows you to view the game as per your convenience. You can change the camera view mode with this command.
Camera Movement Speedsucsm #Controls the camera movement speed. Replace # with 1 for slow speed and 10 for high speed.
Field of Viewfov #Controls the Field of View. The Default value is 75. Change the # value upto 40 for narrow FOV and upto 90 for Wide FOV.
Lightbrite ModetlbEnables the Lightbrite mode for lights in darker areas.
NoClipTclNoclip command. Allows players to roam anywhere around the map.
Remove HUDtmToggles the HUD while playing the game.

Fallout NPC Commands

Command NameCommand/CheatDescription
Teleportcoc <cell name>This enables the Fast Travel in the game from one place to another
Delete TargetZapDelete the Selected or targeted item/player with this command.
Change FaceShowPlasticSurgeonMenuWith this command, you can change the Face Settings.
Change HairStyleShowBarberMenuChange the Hairstyle of Character with this console command.
ReputationSetReputation [Faction ID] [0/1] [1-100]Change the Reputation of the Character. 1-100 is the level of reputation and 0 is to disable and 1 is to enable.
Add Items to NPCadditem <base_id>Adds selected Item to NPC. Change Base ID with Item ID.
Health ResetPlayer.resethealthReset the Health of Player and Limb Health of the player.
Display InventoryinvDisplays the Entire inventory of NPC.
Combait AItcaiTurn ON or OFF the Combai AI for NPC.
AI logictaiToggle Artificial Intelligence feature in the game.
Mark NPC as Enemysetenemy <factionID1> <factionID2> (0/1 optional)Change the Identity of selected NPC as Enemy or Neutral.
Start Combatstartcombatstart fighting with the NPC.
Stop CombatstopcombatStop fighting with the enemy NPC.

Fallout Inventory Commands

Command NameCommand/CheatDescription
Weapon Healthplayer.setweaponhealthperc <percentage>Repair the weapon and restore its health with this console command fallout new vegas.
Reward XPplayer.rewardxp 15000Players can increase the in-game experience points with this command. Replace the 15000 value with the amount you want to gain as experience points.
Ammo Boxplayer.placeatme 69EE6Get Ammo Item Box immediately.
Item Boxplayer.placeatme 8F7B9Get weapon item box with all weapons with this cheat code.
Mega Pistolplayer.additem 001465A6 1Add Mega Pistol in the Game. Mega Pistol is Most powerful Pistol in the game.
Add Perksplayer.addperk (perkcode)Change the (Perkcode) with the appropriate ID to get the Perks for your character.
Bottle Capsplayer.additem 000000F (number of caps)Adds Mentioned number of bottle caps to the name of the player.
Add Special Pointsaddspecialpoints #Adds the unique point for the player. The # should be replaced with the number of points you want.
Karma PointsRewardKarma xChange Karma Points to the selected or targeted character. Change X value with the number.
Power Armorsetpccanusepowerarmor 1Get Power Armour and withstand enemy attacks.

Fallout New Vegas Nexus Mods

Fallout Stat Commands for Quests

Command NameCommand/CheatDescription
Quest LogShowquestlogshows the list of all of the completed and pending quests on the screen.
Quest Resetresetquest <QuestID>This command allows you to play the selected command. Replace <QuestID> with the ID number of the quest.
Complete QuestsCaqsThis commands immediately completes all of the in-game quests. So, you’ll be able to end the game without completing the quests.
Teleport to TargetmovetoqtTeleport straight to the Quest Target immediately.
Damage Statplayer.damageactorvalue <variable> <#>Shows and Allows players to edit the Health Stats of the player.
Set Scaleplayer.setscale <#.#>Set Player Scale to Make him Stronger or weaker.
Actor Valuesplayer.getav <variable>Shows NPCs Stat Values like Karma and Intelligence levels.
Set NPC Statsplayer.setav <variable> <#>Set non playable characters Stats for specific variables.
Adjust a NPC valueplayer.modav <variable> <#>Modify the NPC values
ResurrectResurrectWith this command, you can resurrect any player or the enemy character.

Fallout Cheat Commands

Command NameCommand/CheatDescription
Level Advanceadvlevel Changes the gameplay to the Next Level. Useful to increase the level of Difficulty.
Map Markertmm 1Unlocks the Map Market. Shows all Map Markers on the screen.
Gender ChangeSexChangeChanges the Gender of the Character. Switch from Man to Woman.
God ModeTgmThis Command enables the God Mode. Become an invincible player.
Kill TargetKillThis command immediately kills the selected player or enemy character.
Kill EveryoneKillallThis command immediately kills every enemy player in the area, helping you to complete the quests efficiently.
QuitQQQDirectly Quits the game avoiding waiting time.
Unlock DoorsUnlockThis command unlocks any door or the terminal without using the Key.
Set Levelplayer.setlevel #Change the # value with the number to get your character to the mentioned level.
Close MenuCloseAllMenusClose All Menu options in the game.
Save GameSave [SaveName]Save your game progress with the desired title replacing the default title.
Disable BloodbDisableAllGore=0/1Toggle the Blood Display on-screen.
Disable LeavesTlvEnable or Disable the Leaves. Disable the Leaves rendering for better FPS.
Grass DisplayTgEnable or Disable the Grass Display.

Also Read: Minecraft Commands ands Cheats for PC

Final Words

So, these are some of the most critical Fallout new vegas console commands that you can use. With these commands, the players can access the features that may not be included in the actual gameplay. Unlock new character models, get rare weapons, get unlimited ammo and do many more things that will help you to know the game and then play it efficiently. I hope you’ll use this commands for single-player or offline sessions only as the online use of these commands is strictly prohibited.

Building a character in Fallout 4 gives you 28 points in total to assign to your SPECIAL attributes during the initial character build - compared to 40 points in Fallout 3/ Fallout New Vegas.

In Fallout New Vegas you could increase your SPECIAL attributes over the course of the game via temporary buffs but you could also permanently increase your attributes using perks and implants. Using all available perks and implants there was a maximum of 61 SPECIAL points available (reference: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_SPECIAL#Notes )

I realise it's day one and we've all got a long way to go but hopefully someone else can answer this question before I can:

How many permanent SPECIAL points are available in Fallout 4?

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1 Answer

  • You start off with 28 points.
  • You can find a You're SPECIAL! book in your Sanctuary home for another point.
    • Can only increase a maxed stat if a debuff like alcohol is used to temporarily lower one of your maxed stats
  • You can train all your SPECIAL stats up to 10, so that's 42 remaining points.
  • Additional Bobbleheads (for each specific SPECIAL stat) can be found, 7 points.

You can max out your character with 10 in each SPECIAL trait provided every time you level up you simply choose the appropriate training to increase your stats (as opposed to choosing perks). Cara membuat game online menjadi offline android dengan lucky patcher windows 7.

Remember, there's no level cap, so you can keep on levelling and start getting other perks later.

So you start off with 28, but you can easily improve all of them to 70, should you choose to only train those perks starting at Level 2.

This means 70 - 28 = 42. Meaning the earliest you could max out all your stats is getting to Level 43, while every time you level up putting points in the stat you want to increase, provided you also don't find any bobbleheads along your way.

Additionally, some perks grant permanent increases in stats at specific times of the day or at a certain HP level, so those are technically also 'permanent'.

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